
Rubric is a scoring guide used by instructors to evaluate and assess student work based on a set of predetermined criteria. It is a tool that outlines the expectations for a particular assignment or project and helps to standardize the grading process by ensuring that all students are evaluated on the same criteria.

An example of a rubric for a research paper
An example of a rubric for a research paper

A rubric typically consists of a list of specific performance indicators, along with corresponding descriptions and scoring guidelines for each level of achievement. The indicators can vary depending on the assignment or project and can range from technical skills to critical thinking and creativity. The rubric provides students with clear expectations for their work and helps them understand how they will be evaluated.

Rubrics can be used to assess a variety of different assignments, including essays, research papers, presentations, and group projects. They are beneficial for both instructors and students as they provide an objective and transparent way to assess student work, making the grading process more fair and consistent.